Dcubepadhai was started as an initiative to attract bright minds and build talent in the field of robotics and drones by teaching ROS.

dcubepadhai was built as there is a dearth in talent acquisition in the field of robotics and ROS. Data Science when mixed with hardware is robotics. 

Learning ROS means playing with hardware. ROS is a meta operating system designed to work as running on an Operating System.Most Often the Operating System is Linux based such as  Ubuntu.But it can also be a RTOS - Real Time Operating System such as in case of a robotic rover used in space missions.

A caption for the photo

Where we are today

We have just started out on our journey. We aim to please- we want to offer our learners the best we can that is available to learn in the ROS market. We want them to be the best of the talent in ROS.  We are in the midst of what is called the Fourth Industrial Revolution or IR -4.0 and it is about moving from an electronic based industry to a process which is the combination of human beings and electronics. The best example would be processed artificial intelligence has broken the distinction between the Man, The Machine and Intelligence. ROS and robotics lies in this domain.

Caption for a recent accomplishment
Caption for a recent accomplishment